Sunday, January 24, 2010


So our adventure this weekend was to get everything done Saturday - when the shops are open - so we could do something Sunday.

Our good friends the Frantzens invited us out to "so something really Bavarian". We went to go curling.

We started by driving south one hour to a large lake called Staffelsee. The Frantzens met us there with a small sled, hot tea, and (of course) pretzels.

We walked past the bier garden at the edge of the lake (which must be great in the summer) and straight out onto the ice.

There was a small island in the middle, the alps in the background, and a dusting of snow across the lake.
Now, our kids have been skating just a few times and that was always in an arena so this was new. Daph and I thought it was quaint and charming until we heard some large cracking noises.

Meanwhile, the boys are playfully riding along on the sled and having a grand time. I asked Joachin, "what about the cracking?" He said, "there is nothing to worry about - it makes all kinds of noise - this is natural. Just make sure you stay away from the dark areas of the lake where the warm springs bubble up through the ice. You can fall in, you know."

Daphne loved this answer.

We walked over to the boat house of their friend where the curling was set up. The boys loved just sliding...

We finally got to the game. It is basically boccie on the ice. The Bavarians do not use a guy in the front with a broom like the Olympics. My guess is because this would interfere with the smoking and beer drinking. Think bowling - social recreation, but on ice.

You can see the live hockey game more toward the center of the lake.
Here David throws a wobbler.

It was nice and bright and fun. The hosts offered us black tea instead of beer which was appreciated since it was a few degrees below freezing. The also offered to put some "liquid miracle" into the tea which they guaranteed would improve our skills.

The camera still loves Julia. There were also many dogs on the ice and George spent the day running, running, running all over the ice.

Another great adventure in Germany.

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