Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Dinner

Some families have Sunday dinner traditions. Before we moved to Germany, we used to have Sunday dinner where we 'visited' a different country each time. We would pick a country and have the cuisine from that country and talk about their history.
Now we are getting ready to welcome some visitors and we want to make sure we have some restaurants that we can trust.

Now - we can't go to our favorite Indian and Chinese places with visitors (although they are great), so we want to make sure we have some good German places.
We went down our block to the Lowenbrauhaus, across the street from the brewery, and enjoyed good food and great beer.

The boys liked the cavernous hall. Daphne and I agreed that the food was ok. We still like the place on our block better. The red cabbage and potatoes are amazing.
If you're coming to visit - we promise good food.

1 comment:

  1. No need to go to any great lengths for me - just a barrel of wine, a wheel (or 2) of cheese and "oh yes" a vat of gruyere fondue. Noticing a trend??? wine, cheese, cheese, wine and oh yes, let's not forget cheese :-) Can't wait to see you guys in only a few short weeks!
    xo Gret
