Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wonderful Sunday in Bavaria

While much of the USA was worried about a big storm hitting NYC, we enjoyed one of the nicest days of the year in Bavaria.
Incredible. We visited friends celebrating the birthday of one of Daphne's best friends. We visited the mountain vacation home of the family of Oskar von Miller about 90 minutes south of Munich who founded the Deutsches Museum. A lovely, simple home on the side of the Alps with a relaxed charm and warm sunshine.
When we go for a short walk, the mountains dominate. While we are in August, there was fresh snow on the mountains yesterday. It was cool and crisp in the morning but sunny and warm for our Sunday lunch.
Julia played with the dogs - our friends have a young female named Pauli - like the beer. She is a classical water dog and can play fetch for hours. Hopefully, Julia noticed the view while playing. George was exhausted by 3pm.
The men relaxed.
One interesting import to the event was the bean-bag toss game of 'corn hole' which our friends brought back from Ohio.

They not only like the game but made their own table with the state flag of Ohio on the board. I am willing to bet that this was the only pennant of the state of Ohio in Klais, Germany today.

The views are breathtaking and the fresh air is wonderful. I believe we are enjoying the final year of our contract in Bavaria.

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