Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ocean Park

On Monday, poor Dan had to go to work but the rest of us spent the day at Ocean Park. Ocean Park is part amusement park, part zoo, and part aquarium. The whole park was decorated for halloween. Our kids were excited since we don't have Halloween in Germany.
A big attraction was the panda bears - to everyone but our boys. They rolled their eyes asking if we could go straight to the roller coasters.
We took a gondola/skyride from one side of the island to the other (also boy / girl) and got a great view of the harbor and their house.
Once the Moms finally let the boys ride some rides, we hit the log flume a couple of times, the two big roller coasters and a host of other cool rides. I don't know if you can see it from this picture, but the boys loved the big rides.

I got to ride all the roller coasters with Brian since we had 5 kids and the Moms declined to ride. The highlight for Brian was riding in the front car of "The Dragon" roller coaster. It had three loops upside-down. He was happy to be tall enough to ride, walked up to the front car, then did the ride with no hands, screaming, "...awesome,.... awesome,... awesome..."

I don't know how the Moms could pass this up.
On a different note - there was a shocking lack of beer gardens. I don't know how the people stand it.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Brian is tall enough to ride roller coasters now... we may have to hit Cedar Point in the summer!
