Monday, October 4, 2010


Let me start by saying I didn't want to post this. I am pretty sick with a head cold / sinus issues. I went to the office doctor who took a look at me, offered a "vitamin cocktail" (it was still Oktoberfest I guess) and told me to sit for some treatment.

Five minutes of low microwave treatment on each side of my face to break up the sinus pressure. Your reaction might be the same as mine, "..microwave??" I thought maybe this was a language thing but the machine clearly said microwave.
Luckily they provided safety goggles. The goggles were like two mini pasta strainers for your eyes. I really felt like Candid Camera was going to pop out and everyone would have a laugh. My defense - take my own picture with my phone and share it with my wife for a laugh. She then insisted it goes on the blog.

Let me see if I can preemptively answer the question: it kind of warmed my upper cheeks and provided no discernible relief. I developed a strange craving for microwave popcorn.

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