Sunday, February 19, 2012


We visited the Topkapi Palace which was where Mehmet II built his main residence after his conquest of Constantinople in the mid 1400's.  I have seen many buildings and palaces meant to show power and wealth but this was truly unbelievable. Here is a model of the grounds.
We could have spent days exploring the place. There are museums showing the kitchens, throne rooms, treasury, wardrobes, harems, etc. etc. etc. We probably saw 5% of the place. We went to see the jewelry and emerald encrusted swords.
Here we are at the inner gate or Gate of Salutation that leads to the palace proper. The boys loved the guide books description: In 1524, visitors were greeted and high officials who had upset the sultan were arrested and strangled at the gate. The boys recreated the action for some Chinese tourists.

Here's Brian in front of the Chamber where the Imperial Council ruled the empire. Gold everywhere.
The whole place sat on the peninsula jutting out into the Bosporus River. Here's the gang with Europe on the left and Asia on the right.
I didn't think we looked this cold but we can't hide it. Nice job with the camera by Dave.

Here's Julia in front on one of dozens of pools and fountains. It must be beautiful in the summer. Julia seemed to enjoy it the most. She could connect it with some of her history lessons.

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