Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ice Cold

 First - an apology for not posting for a really long time. I had several people comment that they wanted to see what was happening. Sorry.
OK - Let's catch up. First of all; it is very cold in Munich. We have gone several weeks without being above freezing which means the canals are quite frozen. Daph booked a "lane" for us to go Eisstock schiessen or German curling.

We got out the family sled complete with hot tea, hot chocolate, and fresh cakes and headed down our sidewalk. We also included the 'punch' the Austrians put into the tea to keep warm. It doesn't help.

Do we look cold? We are wearing long underwear. 
Once on the canal - we review the rules.
 You can see we have the heavy round sliders with a handle out the top.
The 4 foot deep canal is frozen solid. My toes were cold in 40 minutes.
 I am cold. 
 The ladies talked which seemed to keep them warmer than the rest of us...

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