Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday morning snow

We woke to a fresh coating of snow. For the first time, Munich is white as we get ready for Christmas. The city (like most places) is beautiful with a fresh dusting of snow.

Julia and George played in the park. George is crazy in the snow. Seeing the black dog romp in the snow is fun for all of us.

The snow was heavy and almost wet. Perfect packing snow for all you favorite activities. The boys played some tackle football and could not be kept from hitting each other with snow balls.

A good start to our last Saturday in Munich in 2009. Schoenes Wochenende.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Markets

We are now into the Christmas market season. The kids came to my office friday night and we went to the market outside my building. We then walked down to the one in the "times square" of Munich - Marienplatz.

The main attraction of the markets is to sip the warm wine and enjoy the crisp weather. This is not fun for the kids. As the photo shows (camera phone - sorry), the kids attraction is being able to eat something on a stick. And in this case - I really mean something - I have no idea what he is eating. David stuck to sausages on a roll. Julia, of course, remains thin because this diet is not for her.

Saturday we went to the Nuremberg markets for the day. This was purely for Daphne as the kids did not want to walk around and look at all the stalls filled with ornaments and trinkets.

Going to Nuremberg was one of the 5 things Daph said was most important to her while we live here. If David didn't misplace the camera, I would show you some pictures. Maybe in the coming days....


I am a bit behind on the blog. Here's what's happening:

- We had Thanksgiving at a local restaurant that is normally a New Orleans Jazz place. They offered a carved turkey dinner and we saw a could of people from the international school that the kids know. It was really nice. They also showed us more of a New Orleans Thanksgiving because they offered jambalaya in addition to the turkey. No pumpkin pie but Daph made one for us at home. Here's a picture from the restaurant.

- The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we invited our friends over and Daphne made a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. It was perfect. Turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, etc. We even had tivo-ed the Macy's parade and had it running on the TV.

The following Sunday we joined our German friends for a "day out". The boys broke out the Santa hats on the streets of Munich and we headed south.
We went for a walk in a large park at the base of the mountains. We walked for a couple of miles and enjoyed the view and fresh air in Murnau.

We then went further south to the base of the Alps to Garmisch. The town center was decorated for Christmas and a band played at the town center. Brian did not want to be photographed.
The night was crisp and everyone was in a happy mood. We sipped warm wine (Gluwein) before having one of the best Bavarian dinners I have ever enjoyed. (Even better than pumpernickels on Long Island).

We are starting to feel connected in our new life. Daph is getting so settled, the kids and I allow her unsupervised access to the car.