Sunday, September 30, 2012

Feldl's Devil Wheel

One of the big hits for everyone was going to the devil wheel. It's one of the oldest things at Oktoberfest. It is a simple wooden disk that spins around and tries to throw the people off. Last man on the disk is the winner. The staff adds some extra problems for the participants including ropes and a swinging ball if the participants don't fall off from simply spinning.
The kids all did it yesterday. It becomes even more challenging (and fun to watch) later in the evening when the beer influenced participants try to play.
Here's a video of the boys.

Rides at Oktoberfest

 With our visitors, we have five children who love to ride the rides at Oktoberfest.

 We left the house early to ensure we could enjoy the rides without lines or problems from the Oktoberfest zombies.
 We were first in line (15 minutes before they opened) for the swings that go up 180 feet. "The longest 15 minutes of our lives..." was one quote.
 They buckled in
 Lifted up and...
 Dan and i joined for some of the rides including Top Spin.
 Rolling us round and round.

Here's the video

After a hard day, we retired with some brick oven pizza.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Visitors from HK

 We have some new visitors.
 The Hong Kong crew arrived and began doing some sightseeing in our neighborhood.
Maybe you even recognize the climbing tower from our Christmas card.
More to come...

Oktoberfest 2012 - opening

Oktoberfest 2012 is open. We went Sunday evening with Oliver and his new girlfriend Anastasia.
 Daphne was able to wear her new dirndl and a good time was had by all.
 Here's the gang dancing on the benches at the end of the evening.
Looking forward to going with Dan and Beth!