Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rome and Florence

Two days we got up early to take the train to Rome and Florence. All of the guide books recommended a minimum of three days to see the major sites of Rome. Most said 7 days was reasonable. So we spent about 7 hours.
We rode in an open topped bus to get around and see several structures. Weather was great and spirits were high. We were able to see St. Peter's and the Sistine chapel.
Florence was smaller and more manageable. Not only did we see "David" and other great Renaissance works but Daph was able to get in some shopping. (Famous for leather and gold.)
Again - the weather was perfect.
When I asked what was the best part of both trips, David liked the Colosseum, Julia liked Trevi fountain, and Brian said "nothing". I tried to explain that people spend their whole life dreaming of seeing these sites and he gave me a teenager's eye roll. Completely lost on him.
When I spoke to Daph, she said she also had enough paintings of Jesus for the week.
We rushed Brian home so he and Dave could get some time in on the Wii.

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