Friday, July 9, 2010

The circle closes...

August 9th last year we left the USA for a new adventure in Bavaria.
Today marks the end of one chapter with Daph and the kids heading back for a short summer visit.

When I dropped them off at the airport, Daphne and I couldn't believe it has been a year here in Germany. When the kids come back in 4 weeks, they will begin school again just as we did in 2009.

You can see from the pictures that they were in good spirits and looking forward to some familiar sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of their previous life. (you can also see my wife purchased a 7Euro bottle of courage before the flight.)
My wife is becoming more sentimental as well. She took the kids to the pizza place across the street from our apartment for lunch before I drove everyone to the airport. This is the same place we went for lunch when arriving on day one last year. She wanted to bookend her year in Germany. She's come a long way. We all have.

It's been fun sharing this roller coaster of a year - but it's been more fun to live it. All the while, our family getting closer and learning about what's important.

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