Friday, August 27, 2010


A year ago, Daphne cried when I introduced her to another person at the school welcome picnic. Hot tears when she tried to say "hello".

Tonight, the weather was good with a sunny, warm evening on a Friday night. Daphne said we should try to eat outdoors and the boys wanted to go to the Hirschgarden (biergarden) for dinner by bike. The boys had schnitzel and I had a mass of beer (liter). We are becoming German (1. Eat outside when possible. 2. Go outside when possible. 3. Ride your bike when possible. 4. Go to a Beer garden when possible.)

We thought about how far we've come.

I wish it was because we are so introspective - but this is not the impetus. A new family has arrived - he's a pharma guy from Harvard business school who is traveling, she is a Mom trying to settle her two young girls into the International school.

Daphne and I smiled talking about Daphne trying to help her get her washing machine connected, the post man not delivering her mail because her husband wasn't home, and her wild adventures trying to get internet connectivity. Daphne is now the wily veteran.

One year later - Daphne will be one of the hosts of the welcome picnic this weekend and will look for the women who are seconds from breaking into tears....

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