Sunday, October 31, 2010

Visit to cousins in Hong Kong

This October our holiday break matched up with our cousins' holiday in Hong Kong. We decided to take the plunge and visit them - letting the cousins see each other and experience their life in Hong Kong.
Dan and Beth live in Repulse Bay in HK.

We spent the first two and a half days getting acclimated and seeing their local sights.
The HK McNick's (aka McNicks in HK) showed us the downtown skyline and we took a boat ride across the harbor.
You can see the excitement in their eyes. The boys suggested we quickly return home to play Xbox, Nintendo, and iTouch. The girls just enjoyed being able to spend time with someone other than their brother(s). The kids actually got along great as "boys" and "girls". There was very little mixing.
We were also treated to a wonderful dinner at the top of a Kowloon office building that gave us a great view of the skyline. The life in HK was quite a nice change from the Munich weather of frost and winter coats. The kids swam everyday.

The second half of the week we all went to Phuket, Thailand and rented a house for some more relaxation. More of that trip to come...

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