Friday, November 5, 2010

Never forget...

By far the most memorable time in the incredible vacation was the elephant ride. We traveled to a stop that gives visitors a chance to ride elephants just as the Thai royalty rode them for the past 200 years.

These elephants seemed to be effected by time however - they tapped the "tip" jar after we took photos. Hmmm.....

We all jumped on board and went for a short walk. The kids were much less impressed than the adults. Dan seemed to laugh quite a bit. Beth tried to capture the event and make sure everyone was enjoying themselves. I was trying to lean in toward the enter of the beast so the chair would not fall over on my side. (I'm guessing the fall would hurt and the company was not overly insured.)
Daphne needed a brown paper bag to control her breathing. After the half way point, they let the kids "drive" the elephants by climbing down on the elephants. Ryan, David, and Keelin jumped at the chance. It was great.

Daph, Brian and I chose to let the professionals guide us home. Dan captured this picture of us competing with the buses and motorbikes on the final stretch of road.

Everyone had fun and will never forget the trip.
This is one of only a few pictures where my son Brian is upstaged by anyone else in the shot showing their excitement.

PS. No beer in the whole event. Shocking but true.

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