Sunday, April 15, 2012

Temples 1

Our first trip into the jungle was to visit Ta Prohm or the 'tomb raider' temple. The temple was built in 1181 as the Khmer kingdom was strong.  The king built the temple for his family with the most important buildings for his mother. 
After the fall of the Khmer empire in the 15th century, the temple of Ta Prohm was abandoned and neglected for centuries.
The site was left to the jungle and the jungle took over. "Rediscovered" in the early 20th century, the trees had become an impressive addition/destroyer to the temple. The silk-cotton trees' roots look like snakes coiling around everything.
 Julia did her best impression of the carvings.
 The visual images are impressive at every turn. The temple preservation organization has decided to leave the temple in the current condition instead of trying to rebuild to preserve the picturesque nature of the grounds.
 The movie Tomb Raider was filmed at the site and took advantage of the eerie feel of the site.

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