Sunday, February 28, 2010

Skiing - Day 1

Our first day skiing was great. The first hour was spent shaking the rust off. Daphne was back in form very quickly.

The mountain was huge; the weather was warm, the sun was shining.

These pictures are mid-mountain. You could see for miles (or kilometers).
The restaurant at the top of the gondola was straight out of the resort brochure. We sat in the sun and had lunch.

We have found that we spend a great deal of time together as a family here in Germany, but this trip, Daphne and I got to spend time together. There was no one but us, a few Austrians, and thousands of vacationing Dutch. That meant we pretty much had to spend time with each other.

We have not skied in over 10 years and both had fun going back to a favorite sport.

Here is Daphne apres ski in the hotel with some champagne.

1 comment:

  1. The shots of both of you with the Alps in the backdrop are AMAZING!!!
    Can't wait to see all of you in only 1 WEEK!!!! I'm counting the hours :-)
    xo Gret
