Thursday, September 9, 2010

Julia's Field Trip

Julia went on the traditional 8th grade field trip this past week. The difference is it's not a trip to Washington DC to see the capital and all the sites.
Here they go to Italy to the mountains to spend time together as a group bonding and learning to trust in one another through hiking, biking, and ropes courses.
We sent her off thinking about summer but the weather in the mountains turned out to be quite cold. You can see many of the peaks had snow. The pictures she took show spectacular scenery.
She told us they went to this castle and had various exercises including rappelling. If you look closely, they all had to rappel out the top window of the castle down to the courtyard.
There was also mountain biking and lots and lots of hiking.

One night they had a heavy snow fall (for September) and you can see from the pictures it made hiking more difficult.

While we were happy to see such wonderful landscape in her pictures, it was also nice to see that she was able to experience such a different trip than she might get in the US.
I love these pictures that show 1. how high up the mountain you rise and look down on the villages and 2. how the kids have to hike without ten foot safety nets, helmets, and full body protection.

Julia loved it and seems to be growing more confidence every day.

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