Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday street party

This weekend was super weather and we took advantage of it. Golf Saturday morning, mountain ropes course Saturday afternoon, Daphne and I bicycled to dinner Saturday night, and Sunday we went to a huge street fair in Munich.

The kids started with some bungy / trampoline fun...
...and David and Brian tried a new game that is a combination of tennis and badmitten (the shuttle is different and goes much faster.)
The fair was trying to get people to be more active and do things to be more "green". Here the kids are trying this popular activity called slacklining. People tie very strong straps to two trees (normally) and then try to walk along the strap by keeping their balance. It's hard.
My favorite was the "sand rugby" area in the middle of the steet that was hosted by the munchen rugby club. It's touch rugby in the sand. It actually looked like a ton of fun.

In addition to trying all sorts of other things, like stilts, they served beer and sausages.

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