Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 3 - Louvre

Day three and the wheelchair again provided the golden ticket to Paris - this time - the Louvre. Julia's main request was to see the Mona Lisa.
Her mother and I tried to convince her that there would be crazy crowds and a good high-resolution picture from the internet would be worth her time. She knew better. She only had one or two requests this trip and couldn't be swayed. Good for her.
We headed back into the city.
With Versailles as our benchmark, my wife walked up to the front of the Louvre and they immediately sprung to action seeing Brian in the chair. They couldn't have been nicer.
Once inside, however, we were with the ~30K visitors that make it in each day. We immediately headed for the Mona Lisa.
Wow. 20-30 rows deep, tourists pushed and shoved to get in front of the small painting. It was grim.
But not for Brian...

Step right this way sir, walk in front of the ropes and get closer than anyone else is allowed.
My only regret is that we didn't think it through and let Julia sit in the chair to get a good look. She was a good sport and didn't complain.
Brian celebrated with the finest macaroons in Paris. I didn't know the shop but Brian seemed to like Laduree.

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