Monday, May 2, 2011

Paris - Day 1

We stayed outside of the city since we expected to make several day trips.Day one's plans were to go to the city and see the big sights. Arc de Triumph, Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre Dame, etc. Now - if that sounds like a lot for one day - you may want to go back and look at last year when we saw (kind of) Bern, Geneva, Provence, Marseille, Monaco, Monte Carlo, and Cinque Terre in one week.
After hopping on the train, we emerged from the metro at the Arc. Yawns from the boys.
David said he's seen bigger.
Several places, as a matter of fact. Notice Brian in the wheelchair - more about that later.
The weather was grand and we walked the Champs-Elysees where Julia window shopped. Her mother does not know where the shopping gene came from.
Of course the Tower is the most photogenic part of the city. We had lunch and the kids noticed some boys targeting tourists for petty crime. Julia asked 20 questions about why they were acting this way. Paris is a very educational city.
The boys wanted to know how the African guys aggressively hawking souvenirs could sell mini-eiffel towers for one Euro and make money. More educational experiences. I love the city worker taking a nap behind them in the city park.By the time we arrived at Notre Dame, they were asking to head home. I wonder what they will take from this. For goodness sake, Brian was wheeled everywhere through Paris. Does it get any easier?

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