Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Meg and Rick visit

This past weekend we had some more visitors. Megan and Rick came to Munich.

Their first days were spent getting to see the kids school and walking around Munich. The weather was cold and crisp but dry so Rick could take some pictures while the kids and I worked.

The big excursion we planned for their visit was to try to go sled riding. I did some research on the web and found a place that was recommended by a bunch of other people from Munich.
After driving south to Austria, we eventually found the place. The web said it was a one hour pleasant hike up to a lodge where you could rent sled and then ride down the 800 meter elevation in about 10 minutes.

We hiked, and hiked, and hiked. Brian fell behind the group and wanted to quit. It was a pretty steep climb up a mountain road with lots of switchbacks.

The good news was that the sun came out and provided all of us with a great view of the alps.
Brian didn't care - he was tired.

We got pretty high up we realized after a good hour. Looking down - we realized why Brian was so tired.

Once at the top - we were not at all surprised to find a beer and sausage house. We rested and looked for the sled rental. The instructions were something like, "Hop on the sled and don't hit anything." We didn't have to sign a waiver either.

The ride down was a bit thrilling and exciting at the same time. We were riding on icy trails and the sleds would pick up a great deal of speed right before the switchback corners. Until we all learned how to slow down, it was scary.

Slowing down options:
- Rick: brute force to pick up the front of the sled
- Me: Dig boots into the ground in front of me
- David: fall off sled

We tried to get some action shots but we were just going too fast. Lots of blurs. When we got to the bottom we looked back up and realized you could see the cabin at the top. Look closely at the picture and you can see how high up we hiked.

Suddenly I felt badly for Bri-guy.

Sunday brought the first above Zero temps since our return. Our beautiful frozen canal was melting quickly. They closed the ice skating but the curling was still being attempted. Nobody seemed worried about falling into the water.

It was just plain wet. These people are dedicated to curling.

Meg and Rick are back now. Thanks for the visit!

1 comment:

  1. Really cool photos. Looks like fun, but I see Brian's point - that is quite a climb!
