Monday, January 11, 2010

Poor George

Without a doubt, George has had the most trouble in Germany.

In addition to his problems captured on previous posts, George suffered through the holidays.
This picture shows happier times. You know something is happening when you call the dog-sitter and they say, "...everything is ok now..."

It seems George "got" an infection on the side of his face between Christmas and New Years. It swelled to the size of a baseball, he became lethargic, and then got a fever. Our dog sitter took him to the vet and George was knocked out so they could drain the infection.

But it gets better - George manages to remove the drain. This means that it swells back up a few days later. We went back to the vet Saturday for another knock-out and draining. Our vet assumes that George was bitten and that caused the infection. George doesn't know how to quit so he AGAIN managed to Houdini the drain out.

Daphne took George back this morning. The drain is now stapled into George's face in multiple places with multiple staples.

He loves it here.

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